Momentum Center to Build Vous Cafe in Grand Haven

The new cafe will serve breakfast and lunch, and provide a new gathering place for the community.
momentum center building painted vous cafe grand haven
Photo: Official

Local non-profit Momentum Center will soon host Vous Cafe in Grand Haven at 401 N 7th St, formerly Rendevouz Family Dining. The story was first reported by Crain’s Grand Rapids. The cafe is anticipated to open in the summer.

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Momentum Center is a non-profit organization providing supportive social programs for at-risk teens and adults struggling with mental health, disabilities, or addictions. The organization also offers various support groups and training to help individuals develop a supportive peer network and learn new skills.

To fully repurpose the restaurant building, Momentum Center will add a public-facing cafe called Vous Cafe, taking the name from the French word for “Yours.” According to Crain’s coverage, the cafe will seat up to 72 people. The organization’s website indicates the cafe will serve full breakfast and lunch.

While the cafe was initially anticipated this March, Momentum Center’s Executive Director Barbara VanHorssen told What Now Detroit that their had been some delays and changes of plans. “We are moving into major renovations that will delay opening probably until late June/July,” VanHorssen said in a text.

Those interested in following Vous Cafe’s opening update should follow Momentum Center on Facebook.

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